Night Postpartum Doulas

offer Support…

Providing assistance to recovering mothers and the entire family as well as newborn care and breast/bottle feeding information. Your doula will meet with you prior to the birth of your baby and work with you to develop a plan for when baby arrives so that the transition into parenthood can be a smooth one. Your doula has experience with various issues that may arise in those early months with a new baby and will help you find the resources you need to help the whole family feel happy and healthy. A postpartum doula will lovingly hold space for you as you navigate through new territory with your little one. Your doula will provide a place of calm and pause so that you have time to peacefully bond with the new member of your family.


We warmly invite you to take some time to get acquainted with the doulas in our circle. Please feel free to reach out to any of our doulas directly.

Happy Searching!


All members of the circle are independent business owners and operate individual practices based upon their skill set and level of experience. The Marin Doula Circle is a doula referral service and does not assume responsibility for the doulas allied with this group. A doula does not replace the medical support of a health care provider.